Email Security

Email Security

90% of Cyber Attacks are the result of a Phishing email. B22 can help protect your environment so those emails don't come through

90% of corporate security breaches are the result of phishing attacks. Phishing attacks are easy to mount, but that doesn't mean it's easy to stop them. They remain a major security risk for most companies.

A single email virus can cost your organisation an enormous amount in damages, lost productivity and compromise your systems and data integrity. It is important to have a plan that ensures protection from email viruses, spam, phishing, email flooding, directory harvest attacks and denial of service attacks.

At B22 we can work with your email provider to protect against:

- Phishing

- Malware

- Botnets (command and control)

- Ransomware

B22 provides a comprehensive range of Cyber Security Services:

- SOCaaS (SOC as a Service)

- Defence in depth strategies

- Gap Analysis / Reviews

- Compliance GDPR, ISO, PCI, FCA, Cyber Essentials

- Protected DNS Services

- Vulnerability scanning

- Phishing Simulation

- SIEM Solutions

- Monitoring Services 24x7

- Data Loss Prevention

- Data/Endpoint management and Encryption

- Supported 24x7

More services available upon request


0333 339 8621


0333 339 8621

Take the guesswork out of your IT issues with a FREE Cybersecurity assessment from our qualified experts, book it now - using the contact form. Our 10 point check will identify your security posture and how we can improve it.

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