Using MDM

Mobile Device Management

B22 help customers migrate away from the traditional laptop/desktop to a BYOD or managed device environment

With smartphones and tablets being everywhere in today’s world, it’s no surprise that more and more businesses are relying on mobile devices to get work done.

However, this trend brings with it a unique set of challenges, namely in the realm of security. Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a solution that helps businesses overcome these challenges by giving them the ability to manage and secure mobile devices remotely. In this blog post, we’ll briefly explore the key benefits of MDM for businesses.

The first benefit of MDM is that it increases security. By being able to remotely lock or wipe a lost or stolen device, businesses can rest assured knowing that their data is safe. In addition, MDM solutions typically include features like app whitelisting and data encryption, which further increase security.

MDM decreases downtime. With MDM, businesses can remotely install or update apps on employee devices, meaning that employees will always have the latest version of the app they need. This decreases the likelihood of employees experiencing downtime due to outdated apps.

MDM improves productivity. By being able to lock certain apps or features on employee devices during working hours, businesses can prevent employees from wasting time on personal tasks while they’re supposed to be working. Additionally, MDM solutions often include features like remote access and location tracking, which can help businesses keep track of their employees and make sure they’re productive during work hours.


In conclusion, Mobile Device Management is a great solution for businesses that are looking to increase security, decrease downtime, and improve productivity. If you’re looking for a way to manage and secure your business’s mobile devices, then an MDM solution is likely the best option for you. Speak to us now about how we can help.


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