Why use MSP

Why B22 or a MSP

We're guaranteed to save the SME money if using our flexible MSP package.

To start with, what is a Managed Service Provider?

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a company that remotely manages a business’ IT service, whether in part or whole, typically on a proactive basis and under a yearly subscription model. As an MSP, B22 Solutions takes the place of a full-time IT professional that you would normally have on staff.

By outsourcing to an experienced Managed Service Provider like B22, you’ll be able to focus on the demands of your business without the headaches and associated costs of system issues and faults.

But that’s not the only advantage of managed IT services.

Here’s some of the benefits of outsourcing your IT support to B22:

1. Cost Reductions
This is one of the biggest reasons to outsource your IT Support. An IT Manager has an average annual salary in the region of £50,000 per annum. In addition to that, there’s the cost of the initial recruitment, on-going training and associated company benefits such as pensions, national insurance, paid sick leave etc. To find out more about how outsourcing could reduce your costs, call our IT experts. Save as much as 60%

2. All Year Round Coverage

As technology grows increasingly complex, in-house hardware and software management has become notably more challenging. Modern businesses need to have suitable hardware and software solutions, as well as end-to-end networking and a continuous flow of functionality for internet, intranet, and extranet. A professional IT network service provider like B22, can fully handle such technicalities all year round under 24x7x365 management, meaning you can rest assured that your IT systems will be well looked after. Not only this, but when you let B22 manage your IT you have the benefit of never having to worry about internal sick leave or annual holidays – as our team of IT experts will always be around to help.

3. Futureproofing

Expert Managed Service Providers (MSPs) like B22, use the best technologies and equipment on the market to deliver IT support to your business. IT services are continually upgraded so you don’t have to worry about your managed IT services becoming obsolete. A great example of this is unsupported software, which can happen annually on Operating Systems.

4. Predictable Monthly Costs

The investment in specialist hardware and software will be always be high. A managed IT service offers the highest quality IT solutions for your business, at a fixed monthly price. A fixed monthly payment plan with B22 means you know what you're going to get and how much it's going to cost over the contract, with no unexpected upgrade charges or changes. This also gives you the opportunity to move from a CAPEX to OPEX model.

5. Flexibility

Managed IT service providers are extremely flexible, as a pay-as-you-go payment plan allows for quick business growth when necessary, or cost savings when you need to consolidate.

6. Secure Infrastructure

A Managed Service Provider's data centres and managed network infrastructure is much more robust than a standard enterprise IT service. Infrastructure is run under 24x7x365 management with government approval security procedures, meaning your business data and network is much more secure.

7. IT Expertise

By selecting a managed services provider like B22, you gain access to IT specialists and their skills. Save on the expense of training your staff for skills they may not use, and instead work with several IT experts from an external Managed Service Provider.

8. Centralisation

With a managed network you can benefit from the ability to centralise all your applications and servers within managed data centres, which will improve staff performance, regardless of their location. Access to centralised data centres within the network can also provide access to virtual services, as well as storage and backup infrastructure.

9. Increased Service Levels

A managed IT service provides greater control of both your business service levels and performance. With service level agreements (SLAs) in place you can be sure of great service continuity. Some of our SLA's provide a fix over the phone, and some start from 1 hour resolution. We are flexible and can work around your business.

10. Disaster Recovery

Loss of data is a loss in work, time and money. Working with a Managed Service Provider like B22 means your data will be safe, whether that be from human error, flooding, fires, or something else.

11. Going Green

By centralising your essential business systems within data centres and running your applications on a cloud platform such as Microsoft Office 365, your business can benefit from a huge power saving, which will in turn reduce your carbon footprint as well as reduce costs to your business. We are a Microsoft Partner, so you get additional benefits too.


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