Compliance and Training

Compliance & Training

Stay ahead of the game with compliance training. Test your staff regularly and allow B22 to test email security

Evaluate your teams security awareness, by using B22's security and compliance training.

Developed to ensure your staff are security aware, and working in line with regulatory compliance, our training is delivered online whenever you need it.

This gives the benefit of allowing users wherever they work to complete the training, but also allowing you to ensure that services are operational while staff complete courses in their own time.

Our service reports back to management on key risk areas, so that improvements can be made.

Aside from Cyber security vigilance, our courses cover areas such as the GDPR and Anti Money Laundering acts.

Once a user has completed a course, they take a small test, with reports being shared with the employee and management.

Why Invest in Training?

Your employees need regular training to keep up with rapidly evolving cyber threats and compliance changes. Invest in tailored training at the beginning of the project lifecycle to give your employees the skills they need while reducing your cost and risk.


0333 339 8621


0333 339 8621

Take the guesswork out of your IT issues with a FREE Cybersecurity assessment from our qualified experts, book it now - using the contact form. Our 10 point check will identify your security posture and how we can improve it.

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