Business Continuity

Business Continuity

Worried about your critical data? We can help protect it so you don't have to. Wherever you backup to, we've got a solution for you.

Business continuity is becoming more important than ever, whether in the fight against Ransomware or the reliance every organisation has on IT. Interruptions are less and less tolerated, with the impact both financial and client affecting.

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery is essential to businesses of every size. Required as a part of compliance, and plain common sense, every business should have a multi layered policy.

Exec level management should take time to understand it; all too often, we come across assumptions that differ wildly from the implemented reality.

Often we find senior Exec’s seriously underestimate the time it takes to recover, and all too often we find organisations with just a simple and untested/unmonitored backup.

In this day and age, with the exponential growth in data, it is essential that organisations review and understand the policy that’s in place.

Our experts guide you through the numerous options to form a cohesive policy:

  • Free consultation to identify the right solution for your business
  • Comprehensive managed services
  • On premise solutions (fast and efficient)
  • Off premise solutions (DR & Deep storage)
  • Cloud solutions (including Geo-redundancy)
  • Continuous monitoring (of DR and backups)
  • Proactive alerting and testing – Automated monitoring plus manual checking and testing
  • Policy creation and documentation


0333 339 8621


0333 339 8621

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